What is the estimated life expectancy of the OneKEY?
The OneKEY is estimated to last between 1-3 years. The battery can drain more quickly If a user is frequently pressing the button (without interacting with a security device).
My OneKEY is dead, how do I charge it and for how long?
To charge the OneKEY, use either the AK4400 (via MicroUSB) or the PK4000. The key can gain a full charge in 3-4 hours, however, leaving the key to charge overnight is a good best practice.
How long is my key active once programmed on a Programming Station?
Once charged, a key is active for 12 hours. Once this time has been reached, the key will be deauthorized and unable to interact with security until it’s reprogrammed. If you are using Access Manager, the time-out length can be adjusted to more or less than the default 12-hour limit.
I’ve lost my original Programming Station. What do I do?
- Order a new Programming Station
- Once received, plug the power supply (PS512) into a wall outlet and into the new Programming Station
- Take a previously used/confirmed working with security in location and charged InVue Key and program/authorize to transfer your old store code into the new system.
Note: Be Aware, missing this step is where most cross-coding situations occur! If a new key is programmed to a new programming station, a new code will be created that does not match the code previously used on security located in the store and cannot be reset.
My OneKEY is flashing purple and making noise. How do I make it stop?
If you are a customer that is using the Sounder Mode on your key after 30 seconds from when a lock is open, the key will start chirping and flashing purple until the lock is closed.
Note: You will not be able to unlock another lock until the previous lock is locked. For more information on the OneKEY LED indicators refer to the following guide: InVue Key LED Guide
My OneKEY is not programming with my Programming Station.
Review the LEDs on your Programming Station. When attempting to program your key, check to see if the Programming Station is flashing red three times.
If yes, the code within your key does not match the code within your programming station and should be replaced. Refer to the cross-coding article for more information.
The key is flashing yellow while sitting on the charger.
It means that the key has been placed directly onto the charger after use, without being checked in first. Simply dock the key onto the OneKEY manager, wait for the beep so that the data transfer completes, select "Check in", then place the key onto the charger.
How do I know the date/batch code on the IR4 key to check warranty?
The serial number of the key is visible on the OKM during check-out/check-in process as well as on the LIVE Access software.
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