Context: This can mean many different things.
- When interacting with the IR4 OneKEY with a LIVE Lock, did the lock unlock?
- If NO, do we know the version of the LIVE Lock? It may need a Firmware Update. (See LIVE Locks | Update Firmware – InVue Help Center)
- Did it make any noise?
*There is not much difference between ORANGE and YELLOW on the IR4 OneKEY:
- ORANGE + long buzz (sound) = the IR4 Key OneKEY in use (meaning the user who has checked it out) is not authorized to access that specific device.
- IR4 OneKey is within 1 hour of being unauthorized; if only authorized ONLY for 1 hour, that is the default state, after the first 15 mins have transcurred,
- IR4 OneKEY has gone through 10 button pressed from de-authorization.
- IR4 OneKEY's battery is low.
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